Plants under Construction

Marca has a team of highly qualified Engineering Risk Insurance specialists with extensive experience in debugging the information of the projects to be insured, necessary for underwriting and risk management of large projects, both civil works and installations and assemblies.

The detailed analysis of the particularities of each project allows us to negotiate the insurance underwriting with the Insurer and Reinsurer markets, as well as to adjust the insurance policies to the protection needs required by each undertaking.

Because it is a non-renewable insurance, that is, in each project a specific and new insurance is contracted, the underwriting process involves a wide survey of information about the project to be insured, with several variables, such as construction methods, timelines site conditions, contractors’ experience, neighborhood features, and other important information.

Guarantee to the insured the reparation of the damages related to the physical damages to the goods in construction, object of the contract of execution.

The basic coverage of Engineering Risks is intended to cover, up to the maximum amount of indemnity fixed, losses, damages and material damages that the insured object described in the policy will suffer as a result of any damages of sudden and unforeseen origin, damage, such as fire, lightning, explosion, theft, and / or qualified theft, nature damage such as storm and storm damage, indirect damage due to errors of execution, human failures due to malpractice, negligence and / or recklessness and even malicious acts, except when practiced by the insured and / or responsible for the technical direction of the enterprise.

In addition to the actual work, installation or assembly in progress, the losses and damages caused to the materials that will be definitively integrated into the work will be guaranteed while stored, manipulated or moved inside the construction site, and may also include temporary and / or temporary structures.

  • Damage as a result of design errors (civil works);
  • Damage as a consequence of manufacturer’s risks (installations and assemblies);
  • Expenses with disentuation of the place;
  • Extraordinary expenses – overtime, additional labor, urgent freight;
  • Maintenance – Period between provisional and definitive acceptance foreseen in the contract;
  • Riots, Strikes and Lock-out;
  • Expert Fees;
  • Containment and rescue costs in case of loss;
  • Surrounding properties;
  • Works completed.
  • Corporate Name and registration with the CNPJ of the Insured that must be included in the Policies (Ex .: Full name of the Contractor, Name of the Employer) and of any co-insured persons;
  • Total value of the work, including materials, labor, freight, supplies;
  • Copy of the executed execution contract or its draft;
  • Period of execution of the work, in days or months;
  • Up-to-date physical-financial schedule comprising all period of the work and carrying the total value;
  • Address of the work, indicating: Street or Avenue or Highway, No. or Km, Neighborhood, Municipality, State.


Depending on the complexity of the work some other document may be requested.


As a result of the execution of civil works and / or installations and assemblies, neither party, Contractor or Executor, is free to cause damages to third parties, whether material, corporeal or moral, whose amounts involved in the repair may be significant and cause serious disturbances in planning as well as impacting the physical-financial schedule. Thus leading to the delay in delivery of the work or even rendering it unfeasible.

With the new Civil Code and the greater awareness of the population regarding their rights, the contracting of a Civil Liability Insurance Works has become indispensable.

Depending on the different types of works, it is important to structure a tailor made insurance, considering the technical description, location and interface with third parties.

We maintain a specialized insurance team capable of structuring and subscribing to the ideal Insurance Program.

For setting up civil liability, it is not enough to only cause sudden and unforeseen damage. Other elements are fundamentally needed:

  • Action or omission of the agent (contractor or executor)
  • Guilt of agent (contractor or executor)
  • Causation between the agent’s action / omission and the damage
  • Damage experienced by the victim

Guarantee the payment of indemnities to the insured of the amounts for which he is liable civilly, in a final judicial decision or in an agreement expressly authorized by the insurer, regarding reparations for personal injuries, material, moral and damages caused to third parties services (civil works and / or installations and assemblies).

Material and / or bodily damages caused to third parties as a result of the execution of the services (civil works and / or installations and assemblies).

  • Moral damages;
  • Damage due to project errors;
  • Employer’s civil liability;
  • Damage caused to third parties by foundations and / or related services;
  • Damage caused to the owner of the work;
  • RC cross;
  • Loss of profits of third parties (resulting from material and / or bodily damages);
  • Damage due to sudden and accidental pollution;
  • Circulation of vehicles and equipment outside the construction sites (public roads).
  • Corporate Name and registration with the CNPJ of the Insured that must be included in the Policies (Ex .: Full name of the Contractor, Name of the Employer) and of any co-insured persons;
  • Total value of the work, including materials, labor, freight, supplies;
  • Copy of the executed execution contract or its draft;
  • Period of execution of the work, in days or months;
  • Up-to-date physical-financial schedule comprising all period of the work and carrying the total value;
  • Address of the work, indicating: Street or Avenue or Highway, No. or Km, Neighborhood, Municipality, State.

Depending on the complexity of the work some other document may be requested.

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